ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

School of Sanskrit

Head Of School






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About School

Sanskrit Language and literature is a great repository of knowledge encompassing every work of life, be it science, technology, agriculture, arts, astronomy, architecture, medicine, metallurgy, mathematics, management, economics, ecology, etc. In today’s globalised economy and in in the context of knowledge society, we need Sanskrit more then ever before, to preserve our moorings to bridge the ancient and the modern to unravel the knowledge contained in the ancient texts to protect our intellectual property rights, to explore new avenues of innovations and to lead Bharat into the forefront of the future knowledge driven-globe.

The School of Sanskrit is one of the Oldest Department of Gangadhar Meher University. From the starting, teaching was imparted both Intermediate and Undergraduate Courses. Sanskrit M.A Course was introduced in 1977, M.Phil Course was introduced in 2010 and Ph.D Course was introduced in 2019. At present, the School of Sanskrit imparts teaching in Undergraduate Courses, Post-graduate Courses and Ph.D Courses. For the first time in the M.A Sanskrit Curriculum in G.M. University , We have introduced the special papers in three branches of School of Sanskrit. Those are Grammar, Veda and Vedic Literature, and Classical Literature . Along with these Special papers, our Students will read other general papers in their P.G first year like Indian Philosophies, Dharmashastras, Linguistics, Indian Poetics and different branches of Literature like Prose, Poetry, Dramas, Fables and Fairy tales, Jyotisha, Vastushastraetc. In the PG Part-II only, Our students have to opt Special Papers along with their General Papers. We have introduced this to enable our students to compete with the students of other States and National Universities who have special papers in their Course Curriculum. The present curriculum empowers the learners to have glimpses of varieties of knowledge treasure stored in the Sanskrit Language. This will help them to explore more and more existing resources of different knowledge tools. They can go for higher research and unravel the important text and significant ideas not explored till date.


Introducing the students to the Ancient Indian Knowledge System and Culture by encouraging the research on Shastric texts and creating competent students to identify and work on the Interdisciplinary studies related to Sanskrit.


Selected Publications
  • Sarasvata-paniniya-vyakaranayoh Avyayibhavasamasavimarsah

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 25; pg: 65-71; Publisher: Prof. Hareeshwar Deekshita; Impact Factor: 0; DOI : 0


  • Siddhantakaumudyam Svadisandhivimarsah

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 24; pg: 163-169; Publisher: Prof. Hareeshwar Deekshita; Impact Factor: 0; DOI : 0


  • Nipatanasiddha-yat-pratyayanta-padavimarsah

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: XVIII; pg: 283-290; Publisher: Maharshi Vyasadev National Research Institute; Impact Factor: 0; DOI : 0


  • Rathesha-shatakasya Samikshyatmakamadhyayanam

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: XXI; pg: 431-438; Publisher: Maharshi Vyasadev National Research Institute; Impact Factor: 0; DOI : 0


  • Krushnakeshabshadanginah Samudrashatakam : Ekamamadhyayanam

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 8; pg: 05-09; Publisher: International Journal of Sanskrit Research; Impact Factor: 5.12; DOI : 0


  • Paryavarana samrakshanasya prasangikata

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 16; pg: 14-16; Publisher: BHU; Impact Factor: NA; DOI : NA

    Dr. Balabhadra Karna

Research Project
  • Prayascitta: A glimpse through Dharmasastra, OHEPEE, Govt. of Odisha,2024 (Ongoing)

    Dr. Sushree Sasmita Pati

  • Project Name- The Odia Translation of Ashtadhyayee, Name of Sponsoring/Funding Agency- OHEPEE (WORLD BANK), 2022-23


  • MRP on Reflection of Cultural Elements in Secondary and Higher Secondary Sanskrit Text Book: A Content Analysis sponsored by OHEPEE, the World Bank, Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur (2022-23) - Completed

    Dr. Prasanta Kumar Sethi

  • An Analytical Study of Dana in Manu and Yajnavalkya Smrti, OHEPEE, Govt. of Odisha(2023) (completed)

    Dr. Sushree Sasmita Pati

The School of Sanskrit, Gangadhar Meher University owes its inception as P.G. Department of Sanskrit, Gangadhar Meher College since the year 1977. The rich legacy of its alumni consists of thousands of students and scholars who were nurtured, built their career in the expert hands of hundreds of Scholarly Teachers and Professors. The Former Students of the Department of Sanskrit have been glorifying their Institution by taking up diversed occupations- mostly academic in nature.
Today, School of Sanskrit of Gangadhar Meher University has earned name for its multiferious academic activities in collaboration with its Alumni. The School of Sanskrit takes pride in its Alumni that has strengthened its bond with the students and the faculty members . The members of the Alumni are regularly in close contact with the Department and readily available to participate in Seminars, Symposia, Workshops, Field Studies and such orher academic activities. They also guide in organising Cultural and Social Activities. A large number of students are engaged as teachers in Schools, Colleges and Universities both in the State and Abroad.
Distinguished members of Alumni with remarkable achievements visit the Department , meet and interact with the students sharing their novel experiences of professional journey. The Alumni stand as a great support with their “3 T ” contribution – Time, Talent and Treasure. They support in organising Seminars, Study Tours and donating valuable text books.
School of Sanskrit of Gangadhar Meher University is not merely a Department of studies, but acts like a family which maintains the culture of the Sanskrit Language that is Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. Therefore, School of Sanskrit is fortunate enough to have a strong and effective Alumni that serves as a great force of motivation for students of the present time.
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