ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

School of Education

Head Of School


Prof.(Dr.) Partha Sarathi Mallik




View Profile

About School

Department of Education was started in the year 1949 in the erstwhile Gangadhar Meher College. After that in the year 1988, M.A. in Education programme was started. In the year 2015, the Four year Integrated B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed. and in the year 2018, M.Phil. & Ph.D programme were started. In the State of Odisha, and outside, this Department has High value for prooducing good quality students who are presently serving as Professors/Associate Professors/Asssistant Professors in different Colleges/ Universities of Odisha, Central Govt. and Abroad. The Department has 14 full time faculties, good quality Physical infrastructures with research climate.


We envision for Development of an Inclusive, Equitable and Quality Departmental climate for building Competency (Think, Feel, Do, Integrate and Reflect) in among students in the fled of Education and Teacher Education through quality Teaching, Research and Extension activities.


Our Mission is to prepare highly qualified, involved, and effective scholars and educators to meet the needs of students in diverse educational settings within the State of Odisha and beyond. We will do so by linking Educational theory with practice, and social justice. Our programmes emphasize equity, academic excellence, reflective practice, curriculum integration, and advocacy. The programs promote meaningful fieldwork in which students and pupil-teachers engage with students, families, and other educators within diverse communities. Our students conduct research, understand educational policies, and develop the skills required to meet the needs of all students. Through their courses and fieldwork, our students develop the dispositions that guide and support their teaching and leading.

Programmes Offered:

Value Added Courses :

Department Offers Four weeks value added courses to students in blended mode to enhance their Employment opportunities

Selected Publications
  • Educational Thoughts Of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam With Special Reference To Modern System Of Education

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 6; pg: 1; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: 5.97; DOI :

    Dr. Neena Dash

  • Reading Problems of Secondary School Students in English Language

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: NA; pg: NA; Publisher: U.S. Department of Education; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Neena Dash

  • Study of Support Services for Children with Special Needs in the State of Sikkim

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: ; pg: ; Publisher: U.S. Department of Education; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Neena Dash

  • Enabling Technology for Students with Special Needs in Regular Classroom at Higher Education Level

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 33; pg: 75-79; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Neena Dash

  • Association Between Parental Alcoholic Addiction and Social Competence of the students: Gender and Locality Difference

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 4; pg: ; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: 9.24; DOI :

    Dr. Neena Dash

  • Techno Pedagogical skills of Bachelor of Education Students of Odisha

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 8; pg: 14554-14564; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: 6.38; DOI :

    Dr. Sanjukta Bhuyan

  • A Meta-analysis on the effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategies and Interventions in Teaching and Learning Process

    WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: 14; pg: 47-57; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: 4.9; DOI :

    Dr. Sanjukta Bhuyan

  • Teacher- Student relationships of University students in relation to their Academic achievement

    WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: 05; pg: 3684-3692; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: 7.868 ; DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.56726/IRJMETS42562

    Dr. Sanjukta Bhuyan

  • Job Satisfaction of Contract Teacher and Regular Teacher In relation to Gender at Secondary Level

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 02; pg: 84-89; Publisher: https://amiteshpublishers.com/; Impact Factor: 3.18; DOI :

    Dr. Sanjukta Bhuyan

  • Self defence Programme for Women Students at Collage Level

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 8; pg: 123-126; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Sanjukta Bhuyan

  • Impact of Interpretation Construction (ICON) Model on problem solving and decision-making abilities

    WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 8; pg: 161-179; Publisher: Kolkata Society for Asian Studies ; Impact Factor: ; DOI : https://jrksas.org/JIssue16.php#A11

    Prof.(Dr.) Partha Sarathi Mallik

  • Smartphone use pattern of College students in relation to Gender, Residential locality and Academic Stream

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 12; pg: 105-123; Publisher: Ratha Seve Pratishthanam Sainku, Keonjhar, Odisha, India, PIN-758 043; Impact Factor: ; DOI : https://shodhasamiksha.com/assets/journals/articles/Shodha%20Samiksha_July_December_2022.pdf

    Prof.(Dr.) Partha Sarathi Mallik

  • Teacher's Perception for Inclusion of Disabled Children in Normal Schools: Personal and Professional Predictors

    WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: ; pg: 165-183; Publisher: IGI, Global ; Impact Factor: ; DOI : 10.4018/979-8-3693-2802-6.ch011

    Prof.(Dr.) Partha Sarathi Mallik

  • A Study on Implementability of Semester System of Examination in Under Graduate Course of Calcutta University

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 3(11); pg: 122-124; Publisher: Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ; Impact Factor: ; DOI : DOI:10.15373/2249555X/NOV2013/40

    Prof.(Dr.) Partha Sarathi Mallik

Research Project
  • Challanges of Implementing Semester System of Examination in Under Graduate Courses and suggestions for implementation: An Empirical study on University of Calcutta; Funded by UGC

    Prof.(Dr.) Partha Sarathi Mallik

  • Parenting Behaviour of Scheduled Caste Families from Gosaba Block of Sundarban Delta Region of West Bengal, Funded by NCRI, MHRD

    Prof.(Dr.) Partha Sarathi Mallik

  • Completed National Level Research Project on Impact of Ekalavya Model Residential Schools(EMRS) in Enhancing the Educational attainment of ST children in 5 thickly ST concentrated States of India under SCSTRTI, Govt. of Odisha in 2015.

    Dr. Neena Dash

  • Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Crisis in Primary Education: An Empirical Study on schools of Koraput District of Odisha. Funded By Higher Education Council Govt. of Odisha

    Prof.(Dr.) Partha Sarathi Mallik

  • Life Skill Education among Post Graduate Students of Odisha by Seed Fund , Gangadhar Meher University Odisha

    Dr. Sanjukta Bhuyan

The Department has produced good quality Alumni who are serving in different prestigious Educational institutions in the State, Central Govt. and Abroad. Some Alumni are working as Professors and Head of University Departs; Some have shown their efficiency as Entrepreneur to provide employment to Youths. The Department has an Active Alumni Groups who extends support for the Progress of the Department. Every Year the Department organizes Alumni meet and seek suggestions from them for betterment of the Department.
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