ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

School of Mathematics

Head Of School


Prof.(Dr.) Bijaya Laxmi Panigrahi

Professor and Head



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About School

The School of Mathematics has started in the year 1957 with the graduation program. The Postgraduate, M.Phil., Ph.D. program subsequently added to the School from the year 1964, 1983, and 2018, respectively. This School significantly contributing to Mathematics education in society. The Mathematics education under the aegis of the School has come to a long way and boost of producing excellent teachers and researchers besides scores of successful people in other allied professions. Consequently, the aluminise of the School are well established in many renowned institutions of India. Now the school has attracted faculty with diversified expertise, for example, Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, Number Theory, Fractional Calculus, Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Analysis, Sequence spaces, Summability. The School has engaged itself in modernizing the School in modifying the syllabi incommensurate with the requirement of time and subject. Now the School keeps a vision to pursue teaching, improve the quality of research & service in the areas of Mathematics and provide an environment, where the students can learn and become competent users of Mathematics & Mathematical tools. The untiring efforts of the Faculty members of the School contribute to the development of students as mathematical thinkers, enabling them to become lifelong learners, to continue to grow in their chosen professions, and to function as productive citizens. The following Programs are successfully running under the School, U.G. (Mathematics) P.G. (Mathematics) Ph.D.(Mathematics) Vision To foster in mathematical education and research, technical excellence, well poised between abstraction and application. Mission To offer globally-relevant, research-focused, technology-enabled education at the graduate, postgraduate and research levels in various areas of Mathematical sciences. To contribute to the development of students as mathematical thinkers, enabling them to become lifelong learners, to continue to grow in their chosen professions, and to function as productive citizens. To develop and conduct continuing education programs with a view to update their fundamental knowledge base and problem-solving capabilities in the various areas of core specialization of the University. To develop comprehensive linkages with premier academic and research institutions within the country and abroad for mutual benefit.


To foster in mathematical education and research, technical excellence, well poised between abstraction and application.


The following Programs are successfully running under the School

Selected Publications
  • Combined Legendre Spectral Finite element methods for two-dimensional Fredholm integral equations of the second kind

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 43; pg: 1801-1820; Publisher: Taylor and Francis; Impact Factor: 1.2; DOI :

    Prof.(Dr.) Bijaya Laxmi Panigrahi

  • Hybrid collocation methods for eigenvalue problem of a compact integral operator with weakly singular kernel

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 328; pg: 353-364; Publisher: Elsevier; Impact Factor: 4; DOI :

    Prof.(Dr.) Bijaya Laxmi Panigrahi

  • Mixed Fourier Legendre spectral Galerkin methods for two-dimensional Fredholm integral equations of the second kind

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 168; pg: 235–250; Publisher: Elsevier; Impact Factor: 2.8; DOI :

    Prof.(Dr.) Bijaya Laxmi Panigrahi

  • Legendre multi-Galerkin methods for Fredholm integral equations with weakly singular kernel and the corresponding eigenvalue problem

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 346; pg: 224-236; Publisher: Elsevier; Impact Factor: 2.4; DOI :

    Prof.(Dr.) Bijaya Laxmi Panigrahi

  • Richardson extrapolation of iterated discrete Galerkin method for eigenvalue problem of a two dimensional compact integral operator

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 51; pg: 421--448; Publisher: Springer; Impact Factor: 2.5; DOI :

    Prof.(Dr.) Bijaya Laxmi Panigrahi

  • An Interesting q-Continued Fractions of Ramanujan

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 4; pg: 198-205; Publisher: Palestine Journal of Mathematics; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Yudhisthira Jamudulia

  • Six Variable Generalization of Reciprocity Theorem Found in Ramanujan’s Lost Note- book,

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 26; pg: 693-701; Publisher: Jangjeon Mathematical Society; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Yudhisthira Jamudulia

  • On Some Circular Summation Formulas for Theta Functions

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 20; pg: 23-34; Publisher: Jangjeon Mathematical Society; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Yudhisthira Jamudulia

  • A Note on Explicit Evaluation of Ramanujan’s Cubic Continued Fraction using Theta Function Identities

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 12; pg: 104-105; Publisher: Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Yudhisthira Jamudulia

  • An Analogue of Ramanujan’s Remarkable Product of Theta-Functions and its Applications

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 5; pg: 29-31; Publisher: Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Yudhisthira Jamudulia

  • Numerical Study of Unsteady MHD Second Grade Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Within Porous Channel

    WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: 7; pg: ; Publisher: Springer; Impact Factor: 2.13; DOI : . https://doi.org/10.1007/s40819-021-01196-y

    Dr. Sukanya Padhi

  • WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: ; pg: ; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Sukanya Padhi

Research Project
  • Combined Legendre spectral finite element methods for integral equations, OURIIP Seed Grant, 2020, Rs. 3,30,000, Completed

    Prof.(Dr.) Bijaya Laxmi Panigrahi

  • Seed Fund Research Project entitled "Analytical solutions of some Bio models by fractional calculus approach" sponsored by OURIIP, Govt. of Odisha

    Dr. Ashrita Patra

  • Eigenvalue problem of a compact integral operator with weakly singular kernel and multigrid methods, DST, SERB, India, Rs. 7,22,800, 2013-2016, Completed

    Prof.(Dr.) Bijaya Laxmi Panigrahi

  • GMU, SEED Money Project, October, 2023

    Dr. Yudhisthira Jamudulia

  • Minor Research Project entitled "Analytical solutions of fractional order soliton type differential equations", sponsored by OHEPEE (World BANK), Govt. of Odisha

    Dr. Ashrita Patra

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