ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

School of Psychology

Head Of School


Dr. Sanjukta Padhi

Assistant Professor and Head



View Profile

About School

School of Psychology is one of the oldest schools in Humanities and Social Sciences. It was established in 1st August 1962. Subsequently, the postgraduate teaching in psychology was added to the honours department in academic year 1980-81 with 16 (Sixteen) seats and M.Phil in Psychology was added in the academic session 2010-11 with 8 seats. The department also offers Ph. D programme from the session (2020-21). The school of Psychology assures quality education which fulfils the students’ needs and aspirations. In the process of growth, it has witnessed several transformations from time to time. This department aims to be an island of excellence and provides superior education of merit and distinction inclined with new developments and challenges and advanced scientific knowledge through the basic and applied research. The department has synergistic interaction with other departments of the institution as well as other institutions in the state.


To promote inclusive education and facilitate dissemination of knowledge through high quality interdisciplinary research and latest pedagogy to develop the School as a department par excellence.


Selected Publications

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 11; pg: 21-29; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: 3.9; DOI :


  • Psycho-social impact of shift work: A case study Ferro-alloy industries in Orissa.

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 2 (4); pg: 20-28; Publisher: (Scopus and Web of Science Indexed, UGC CARE (B)), (Published by IGI Global). ; Impact Factor: ; DOI : 10.4018/jabim.2011100103

    Dr. Rupashree Goswami

  • Effect of Shift work on Health: A Review

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: 3 (5); pg: 49-62; Publisher: Published by RS Publication, India; Impact Factor: 3.446; DOI :

    Dr. Rupashree Goswami

  • Exploring Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Satisfaction among Shift Workers in India

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: 36 (5); pg: 36-46; Publisher: Published by Wiley, USA; Impact Factor: 0.12; DOI :

    Dr. Rupashree Goswami

  • The Influences of Online Shopping Value on Consumer Purchase Intention: An Insight During COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 20(2); pg: 77-93; Publisher: School of Communication & Management Studies; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Rupashree Goswami

  • Understanding Peoples’ Sentiment During Different Phases of COVID-19 Lockdown in India: A Text Mining Approach.

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: 8(4); pg: 52-68; Publisher: IGI Publisher; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Rupashree Goswami

  • WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: ; pg: ; Publisher: ; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Rupashree Goswami

  • Patterns in behavioural sleep variables and social jetlag in elderly people of Western Odisha

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: 41; pg: 473-484; Publisher: Taylor & Francis; Impact Factor: 2.8; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1080/07420528.2024.2315216

    Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari

  • The Role of Spirituality on the Mental Health of Children in Conflict with Law

    WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: 30(5); pg: 10767-10771; Publisher: Auricle Global Society of Education and Research; Impact Factor: 0.19; DOI : https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.4833

    Dr. Sanjukta Padhi

  • Juvenile Justice System in India and Mental Health Needs of Children in Conflict with Law

    WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: 30(4); pg: 3512-3517; Publisher: Auricle Global Society of Education and Research; Impact Factor: 0.19; DOI : https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i4.2071

    Dr. Sanjukta Padhi

  • The Biology of Suicide

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 5(1); pg: ; Publisher: Academic Strive ; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Sanjukta Padhi

  • Attitude Towards Digital Commercials, Advertisement Scepticism and Purchase Probability of Higher Education Students in Odisha

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 44(2); pg: 93-108; Publisher: Odisha Commerce Association; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Sanjukta Padhi

  • Morality in Education as reflected in NEP 2020

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 42(1); pg: 226-231; Publisher: Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Sansthan; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Sanjukta Padhi

  • A Study the Effect of Academic Achievement on the Level of Self- Confidence

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 1(1); pg: 33-45; Publisher: International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy

  • Gender: It’s effect on Adjustment Level of High School Students

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 11(2); pg: 88-91; Publisher: Marsland Press Multidisciplinary Academic Journal Publisher ; Impact Factor: 2.5; DOI : http://10.7537/marsnys110218.12

    Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy

  • Immediate Effect of Nadi Shodhana Pranayama on Blood Glucose, Heart Rate and Blood Pressure

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 15(5); pg: 65-70; Publisher: Marsland Press Multidisciplinary Academic Journal Publisher; Impact Factor: 2.5; DOI : http://10.7537/marsjas150519.09

    Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy

  • Effect of Chandra Namaskara and Om Mediation on Aggression of Adolescents

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 10(4); pg: 75-79; Publisher: Marsland Press Multidisciplinary Academic Journal Publisher; Impact Factor: 2.5; DOI : http://10.7537/marsaaj100418.11

    Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy

  • A Study of Aggression and Self-Confidence among the Different Disciplines of University Male Students

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: No; vol: 10(2) ; pg: 61-64; Publisher: Marsland Press Multidisciplinary Academic Journal Publisher; Impact Factor: 2.5; DOI : http://10.7537/marsrsj100218.11

    Dr. Manoranjan Tripathy

Research Project
  • Moral Reasoning, Moral Judgement and Role of Parents on the Attitude and Mental Health of CICL (sponsored by Gangadhar Meher University) 2024

    Dr. Sanjukta Padhi

  • Perceived Social Support and Mental Health of Tribal Adolescents (UGC Sponsored Minor Research Project) 2011

    Dr. Sanjukta Padhi

  • Working on a project entitled " The Role of Locus of Control and Personality on Academic Performance of Graduate Students: An Empirical Study" sponsored by ‘Gangadhar Meher University’ (Odisha), 2024.

    Dr. Rupashree Goswami

  • Social Support, Achievement Motivation and Mental Health of Adolescent Orphans (KISS sponsored Minor Research Project) 2010

    Dr. Sanjukta Padhi

  • Working on "OURIIP" Research Project entitled “Investigating the Determinants of Students’ Intention Towards Self-employment: A Study in Western Odisha” sponsored by 'Department of Higher Education' (Odisha), 2022-2-2024

    Dr. Rupashree Goswami

  • An Analytical Study on Lonliness and Sleep Quality among Elderly People of JharsugudaDistrict

    Dr. Rupashree Brahma Kumari

The prime aim of the Alumni Connect is to reunite the alumni, celebrate their success and various achievements, build a bridge between university life and career life, and make them pro active to face the challenges that may emerge in their career path. In this connection, the School of Psychology organized a number of alumni connect meetings where the following points were discussed:
1. Regarding how a greater number of alumni can be added to this group
2. Planning and designing association services for the students.
3. Conceptualizing and planning a global-scale alumni meet.
4. Sharing about various job opportunities and recent projects in their experiences.
5. Interaction with the students career guidance regarding higher studies.
6. Discussion on the progress of the department with the help of alumni.
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