ଗଙ୍ଗାଧର ମେହେର ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ, ସମ୍ବଲପୁର, ଓଡିଶା

Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur, Odisha

School of Library & Information Science

Head Of School


Dr. Jayendra Kumar Singh

Assistant Professor


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About School

The School of Library and Information Science was one of the new academic programs of Gangadhar Meher University which was introduced in the academic session 2019-2020. Realizing the importance of Library and Information Science education, research, and practice, Prof. Atanu Kumar Pati, the former Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor of the university pioneered the course, intending to furnish the libraries in the region with vivid and skilled manpower. The inception of the school, led by retired Professor Rabi Narayan Mishra, was driven by the ambition to achieve excellence in providing outstanding education in Library and Information Science through its various programs. The school currently offers a two years Master's level Programme in Library & Information Science (MLIS), and Doctoral program in Library and Information Science (PhD). Furthermore, the school also offered a one-year Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) program and a one-year Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN) program, both of which were discontinued in the year 2022. The course is designed, keeping in mind the current development in the field of LIS in India to prepare library and information professionals in the knowledge society of the 21st century. The syllabus is based on the CBCS pattern and as a professional department, it provides advanced knowledge on the subject by offering strong theoretical as well as practical classes. It is a matter of great privilege and achievement for the school that more than twelve students have been placed in different capacities as, Assistant Librarian, Library Trainee in premier libraries in the state of Odisha Six students have successfully cleared the NET examination and one student cleared JRF till 2023. Our students are proactively taking part in national seminars and conferences and co-curricular activities organized in the University and other Universities adding feathers to the school from time to time.

Vision of the School:

To become a centre of excellence for imparting quality education in the field of library and information science and prepare efficient skilled professionals who are ready to meet the technological challenges of contemporary ever-growing knowledge society with credibility, integrity and ethical standards.

Mission of the school:

Selected Publications
  • Open source journals of library and information science: a bibliometric study

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: 33; pg: 15-20; Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited; Impact Factor: ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.1108/CB-09-2013-0031

    Mr. Ashok Kumar Das

  • Photocopying and Indian Copyright Act: Issues and Challenges

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 59; pg: ; Publisher: IASLIC, Kolkata; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Rosalien Rout

  • Revisiting Ranganathan’s Canons in Online Cataloguing Environment

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 62; pg: ; Publisher: NISCAIR; Impact Factor: 1.42; DOI : 10.56042/alis.v62i4.11609

    Dr. Rosalien Rout

  • Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) Usage Patterns Among the Library Users of Odisha: A Study

    WoS Indexed: No; Scopus Indexed: No; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 7; pg: ; Publisher: IAEME Publication; Impact Factor: 1.4.; DOI : http://iaeme.com/Home/issue/IJLIS?Volume=7&Issue=1

    Dr. Rosalien Rout

  • Visualising Knowledge, Research Hotspots and Trends of Literacy Studies in the Context of Library, 1969-202

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 13; pg: 161-175; Publisher: Phcog.Net.; Impact Factor: 1.7; DOI : 10.5530/jscires.13.1.14

    Dr. Rosalien Rout

  • Preparedness of the Libraries to Address the Recent Pandemic A Case Study on 100 Top Academic Institutes of India

    WoS Indexed: Yes; Scopus Indexed: Yes; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 41; pg: 175-183; Publisher: DESIDOC; Impact Factor: 1.6; DOI : https://doi.org/10.14429/djlit.41.03.16466

    Dr. Rosalien Rout

  • Ranking of Top Indian Institutes of Technology in India during 2005-2014: A Scientometric Analysis

    WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 56 (4); pg: 74-80; Publisher: Indian Library Association; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Jayendra Kumar Singh

  • A Scientometric analysis of “Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics” (2006-2010): A study based on Web of Science

    WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: ; vol: 2(1); pg: 7-12; Publisher: International Science Community Association; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Jayendra Kumar Singh

  • A Bibliometric Analysis of LIBRI Journal (2001-2009)

    WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 2(1); pg: 55-60; Publisher: The Research Publication; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Jayendra Kumar Singh

  • Contribution of Scholarly Research Output in Physics: A Study with Special Reference to the Banaras Hindu University

    WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 3(1); pg: 15-21; Publisher: Indian Journals; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Jayendra Kumar Singh

  • Bibliometric analysis of PhD theses in LIS during 1993-1997

    WoS Indexed: ; Scopus Indexed: ; UGC Care Listed: Yes; vol: 5(4); pg: 44-53; Publisher: Geetanjali Research Publication ; Impact Factor: ; DOI :

    Dr. Jayendra Kumar Singh

Research Project
  • OURIIP SEED Fund Govt. of Odisha entitled as "Building A Digital Repository of Sambalpuri Saree Design And Techniques: An Innovative Way To Preserve And Access The Heritage"

    Dr. Rosalien Rout

Despite being relatively new, the department has an active alumni association and maintains a strong connection with its alumni. The association is dedicated to enhancing professional development and fostering a robust alumni network. Each year, the department hosts a meeting with alumni to discuss their professional and academic activities, career progressions, and recent developments in the field. Furthermore, the department uses a WhatsApp group to keep alumni informed about departmental and university news and events. This group also shares information about job opportunities and professional activities to benefit its members. The department actively supports alumni in preparing for NET/JRF exams. Graduates from the department occupy roles such as Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Library Trainee, and faculty positions in prestigious institutions. The close relationship between alumni and the department ensures mutual growth and support.
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